
Traveling Through Cuba as an American: Do's and Don't

Traveling Through Cuba as an American: Do's and Don't

Like many Americans, I have been fascinated with Cuba for years. The music, the food, the culture, the forbidden-ness of it all—I was intrigued. So when travel restrictions were loosened in 2016, I knew it was time to go visit. I got online and started researching “traveling in Cuba”, and sure enough, I found very little info. Europeans, Canadians, really citizens from everywhere else in the world have been freely traveling there for years, but apparently documenting their travels was not high on the list of priorities, at least not in blog form.

2017: The Year of MADLAWMEDIA: Cuba, New Team members and New Projects

2017: The Year of MADLAWMEDIA: Cuba, New Team members and New Projects

2017. Here we come. Lots of irons in the fire, as they say. 

We went on a scouting trip to Cuba this January for potential future projects. It was a difficult and rewarding experience. Upon arrival home we found we already have interest in our Cuba expertise for upcoming films.