Telling Your Story

How To Preserve Your Family’s Legacy Stories (Like a Pro!)

How To Preserve Your Family’s Legacy Stories (Like a Pro!)

Genealogy is quite popular right now. Here in the United States, a huge melting pot, people want to know where they came from. And luckily it’s a pretty simple process. With genealogy, you carry part of your history in your DNA, so it’s always with you.

Family trees are another way people like to track their information. Many people enjoy creating detailed family trees to trace the names and locations of their ancestors. This information can be traced through public records.

However, what about the story of WHY your ancestors came to be living in the United States. Not HOW. Not WHEN. Not WHERE they came from. But WHY was the decision made? Some people may be lucky to have that recorded somewhere, but for the most part, family legacy stories have no long term storage option, other than occasionally being repeated at Sunday dinners.